Nëkhwëtr’ënoh’ąy häjit shò tr’ìnląy
Nëkhwëtr’ënoh’ąy häjit shò tr’ìnląy
(We are happy to see you)
The Tr’ondek-Klondike World Heritage Nomination is a serial property consisting of eight component parts: Fort Reliance, Ch’ëdähdëk (Forty Mile), Ch’ëdähdëk Tth’än K’et (Dënezhu Graveyard), Fort Cudahy and Fort Constantine, Tr’ochëk; Dawson City, Jëjik Dhä Dënezhu Kek’it (Moosehide Village), and Tthe Zra¸y Kek’it (Black City). These sites demonstrate the long-standing presence of Indigenous people in the area, the early interaction between Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in ancestors and newcomers (prospectors, missionaries and traders) leading up to and including the Klondike Gold Rush. Each component tells the story of subsequent phases of the relationship between Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and the non-Indigenous newcomers who began arriving in the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in’s territory in the latter decades of the nineteenth century.